Google Maps takes you inside the White House : Video

Updated on September 1, 2017

Of course not everyone will get an opportunity to tour inside the White House. If you are curious to know what’s inside White House, take a virtual tour created using Google Maps.

To tour inside the White House, just get search for “1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, Washington DC” on Google Maps. You may drag the street view icon on the White House building. Do you feel bit lazy? Here’s the direct link – click here.

Google uses the same technology that is used in Street View. The Google employees Chris and Matt pushing the trolleys inside the various rooms of White House to capture the scenes. The photos hung on the walls were shot in high resolution called Giga-pixels.

Google Maps to Virtual Tour inside the White House
Google Maps to Virtual Tour inside the White House

Have a look at the video showing How Google  photographed the rooms inside the White House to create these virtual tours.

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