A complete guide to import your posts from Tumblr to WordPress

Updated on September 2, 2017

Tumblr a microblogging platform and social networking website founded by David Karp which was acquired by Yahoo! Inc on May 20, 2013. Many teenagers were attracted with tumblr, just because they are of less pressurized than Facebook and are relatively free from the eyes of parent and other adults. Tumblr’s shared gif’s, stories and to the shocking some of the porn contents too. Recently Yahoo implemented policy on its adult blogs, estimated at 10% of its 125 million userbase, to de-index adult Tumblr blogs from every kind of search possible. Users are rightfully confused, upset, angry and worried about the content they trusted to keep on Tumblr. Also upsetting to users is having Tumblr cut them off from the Tumblr community, other like-minded bloggers, and the outside world. For these 12.5 million bloggers it’s over and gone.

Tumblr has no export or back up feature! Here is the tutorial for those who are looking to migrate from Tumblr to a self-hosted WordPress. Note: This is different than moving to wordpress.org, which prohibits adult content.

Migration of Tumblr to WordPress

Step 1: Get you Domain name and hosting

A few hostings provide sex-positive and don’t have a problem with adult or racy content. You can follow from the below list which are very sex-positive. You can register a domain name too with those..

  • DreamHost
  • Hostgator
  • GoDaddy

Step 2: WordPress setup

You can follow this guide to install, configure and run WordPress. Your WordPress installation would be in just under 5 minutes!!!

Step 3:Import posts from Tumblr to WordPress

Login to your WordPress admin dashboard, goto Tools->Import and look for the Tumblr importer.

Import Tumblr Settings - WordPress
Import Tumblr Settings – WordPress

Upon clicking, the Tumblr to import, you will be taken to install importer plugin (if not installed earlier). Click Install Now button to install the plugin.

Install Tumblr Importer Plugin - WordPress
Install Tumblr Importer Plugin – WordPress

Upon successful installation, click the Activate Plugin & Run importer link, which would take you to Import Tumblr page.

Tumblr Importer Plugin installation succesful

Tumblr Improrter

Before importing posts from your Tumblr account into your WordPress site, you will need to create an ‘app’ on Tumblr.

Step4: Create an ‘app’ on Tumblr

The app provides a connection point between your blog and Tumblr’s servers. To create an app, visit the page.

Follow the below steps :

1. Click the large green ‘Register Application” button.
2. You need to fill in the “Application Name”, “Application Website”, and “Default Callback URL” fields. All the rest can be left blank.
3. For the “Application Website” and “Default Callback URL” fields, please put in the URL provided by the plugin
4. Note: It is important that you put in that URL exactly as given.

Tumblr OAuth Registration
Tumblr OAuth Registration

After creating the application, copy the “OAuth Consumer key” and “Secret Key” into your Import Tumblr plugin and click Connect to Tumblr button.

Tumblr OAuth Keys

The importer automatically fetches your Tumblr blog; you’ll be able to watch the progress of the imports on the import page. It also gives you the option to import as many of your Tumblrs as you want by clicking Import This Blog. When your import is done, the system will email you to let you know.

Note: You need to disable the custom domain if you have while the import is being processed. Go to your Tumblr dashboard, click Settings and un-check the Use a Custom Domain checkbox.

Custom domain settings Tumblr

This will never be out of your control or taken away from you again. Now, go tell all your friends where you are. You can set up auto-posting from WordPress to your Tumblr as well, so your followers left on Tumblr don’t miss a single post. While I haven’t tried WordPress to Tumblr, you might want to give it a shot, WordPress has thousands of plugins, most of them are free, and more plugins are created by wordpress developers every day. The only thing you won’t have anymore is a Tumblr ‘reblog’ button.

Happy blogging!!!

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