10 Tricks to search messages quickly in Gmail – is:chat, after, before, Circle, in:anywhere,from,to

Updated on September 1, 2017

Well straight to the point. Here we have 10 tricks that lets you to search messages efficiently and quickly in Gmail.

1. from:

E.g from:henry. This shortcut will filter out only the emails from “henry”

E.g to:neha. This shortcut will filter out only the emails sent to “neha”.

2. OR

E.g: to:neha OR from:henry. This option allows you search for messages that are from “henry” or sent to “neha”

3. – (hyphen)

Eg: deals –furniture

You can use hyphen to exclude specific terms from your search.

4. has:attachment

Eg: from:henry has:attachment

This option allows you search only messages sent from “henry” with a file attached.

5. in:anywhere

Eg: in:anywhere from:henry

This option finds for the messages sent from “henry” anywhere in Gmail. But this will not search the emails stored in Spam and Trash.

6. after: OR before:

Eg: from:henry after:2011/08/05 after:2011/09/05

This option will find for the messages sent by “henry” after 8th month of 2011 and before 9th month of the same year. The date is format is “yyyy/mm/dd”

7. is:chat

Eg: is:chat from:henry marriage

This option will allow you to search for the chat messages from “henry” that include keyword “marriage”.

8. circle:

Eg: circle:public

This option will allow you to narrow your search to a particular Google+ circle.

9. ( )

Eg: from: henry (conference or grid workshop)

Use parenthesis to group words during your search. The above shortcut will search for the messages from “henry” that contain “conference” or “grid workshop”.

10. ” ”  (quotes)

Eg: from:henry “i hate marriage”

Use quotes to search for the message that contain exact phrase. In above example, Gmail will search for the messages from “henry” that will contain the exact phrase “i hate marriage”.

That’s it from me. If you have any other Gmail trick, do lets us know in the comment section.

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