Would you like to save the images or videos to Google drive right from your Google Chrome? Then, this extension named “Save To Drive” can help you. It’s a Google Chrome extension that allows the user to save images, links, audio and videos to Google Drive in just a matter of a click from the browser’s context menu. The extension comes with an extensible notifications to alert the user when an item has been successfully saved to Google drive – a cloud storage to all users. Remember, you need to be signed in to the Google account.
But there are few glitches with the extension, while saving to Google drive – the extension only pops-up a notification as “Saving video/Image to Google Drive…”, but without displaying any progress bar (so you will not know exactly how long the file will take to copy). Second is, if the user closes the notification popup or the webpage from where you are downloading will terminate the saving to Google Drive.
Apart from those few glitches, the extension worked pretty well and saving the files to the cloud storage like Google drive have not been easy as this.
Download the “Save To Drive” chrome extension from the web store.
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