Question: I have purchased an e-commerce theme from Envato Market, which is based on WooCommerce plugin. I have created few categories under ‘Product menu‘ and have added few products into it as well. But I’m just not sure how to add those product categories to the main menu, as I could not find any such tab under Appearance > Menus. Is this something you can help me out? However, I am able to create Custom Links to the categories and add that to the menu – may be not the right way?
Note: I’m using WordPress version 4.2.2 and WooCommerce Plugin version 2.3.11
– Prakash
If you don’t find “Product Categories” tab (usually at the left side) under Appearance > Menus, then it might be hidden due to ‘Screen Options‘ settings. Quickly, click on the ‘Screen Options‘ pulldown menu (located at the top right corner) and select “Product Categories” checkbox. Now, you should see a new tab added to the left sidebar as shown in the below image. That’s it!
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