Have you Jailbroken your device running iOS7? The next big question is, what are the tweaks that are compatible with iOS7 and what are not. With the help of iDB, we are presenting you with the list of tweaks that are compatible with iOS7.
According to the feedback from users, the tweaks that rely on Mobile Substrate doesn’t seem to work and there are few tweaks that reported to work normally.
Disclaimer: The below list was created by iDB website and according to their reports; it’s a crowd sourced list based on the users feedback and comments. Also the list is based on Team-Sync iPhone Dev Team. I didn’t try out each tweak to rate whether it worked or not. If there are any discrepancies, please do let me know as comments.
List of Tweaks compatible with iOS 7
- Accelerate
- AirPlayServer
- BadgeClearer
- DateCarrier
- Deck
- F.lux
- FireWall iP
- FolderCloser
- GridLock
- Icon Renamer
- KillBackground
- MiniPlayer
- MyWi
- NoNewsIsGoodNews
- NoStoreButton
- OverAchiever
- PandoraSkips
- Plugication
- Poof
- PrivaCy
- Repsring
- ShakeToUndo Killer
- Signal 2
- Signal Booster
- SIGnify
- Software Update Killer
- StatusHUD
- SwipeSelection
- TimeForAlarm
- WelcomeMe
List of Tweaks not compatible with iOS 7
- Abstergo
- Accentify
- Animate
- AppCent
- App Sync for iOS 7
- AppTag
- Atom
- Auxo
- Axis
- BannerColors
- Barrel
- BatteryDoctorPro
- BBSettings
- Bridge
- ColorKeyboard
- DashboardX
- DreamBoard
- FullForce for phone
- Jellylock
- Lame Switcher
- LogoMe
- No Badges
- Power Disconnect Chime
- Safari Download Enabler
- SimpleBanners
- SmallBanners
- Springtomize 2: has no affect on device.
- Velox
- Zeppelin
- Zephyr
According to iDB, there are few tweaks that seems to install properly, but does nothing thereafter. Checkout the list of such tweaks in iDB website.