A magic called Depthy – converts your Google Camera app pictures into DSLR like pictures!

Updated on September 1, 2017

Let it be a farewell or an office party or a birthday party or just another mundane day, pictures have to be clicked and shared as well! We are soon approaching to be a generation of visual lovers who believe the best way to remember is to capture. But not all of us are a privileged member of the overrated DSLR club. Some of us (mark my words, SOME and not ALL) have decent photography skills who can work wonders with a phone camera. But most of us fret over blurred backgrounds or foregrounds for that matter, which a DSLR captures in a matter of seconds. For humble phone- camera users like us, we end up uploading our pictures onto an editing site and try manually blurring out the background or the foreground, alas, not reaching the desired result! But there’s someone out there who always hears the customer’s yelp for help. And this help has arrived in the package of Google Camera app and is called by the name Depthy.

What is Depthy?

Depthy converts images captured on Google Camera app’s Lens Blur mode into magical 3D images.

Google Camera app pictures processed in Depthy
Wonders of Depthy


How does Depthy work?

The program (i.e. Depthy) utilizes Lens Blur’s depth mapping, the contribution of which adds the blur effect to the background or foreground and makes the map navigable and making it possible to see the objects behind the object. All in all it creates some unbelievably beautiful images.

How to use Depthy?

The best part about this feature is its simplicity. All you need is a picture captured by the Google Camera app on its Lens Blur mode. Upload this picture on the Depthy website and viola! Your 3D picture is here.

Hit or Miss?

Hit! Hit! Hit with a pinch of a ‘miss’ thrown into the equation. The program is a must try. You’ve gotta see it to believe it! But, it is an open source program and is still under construction. While the half-constructed program works perfectly fine, you can by no means save your work (which is pretty disappointing)! It’s a good tool to kill time on, but do not forge into it with an expectation to save your works.

The good news is that it is expected to get bigger and better and soon would give its customers an option to save their work as well. Maybe even let them convert it into wallpaper! As of now, enjoy fooling around with this program.

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