Retro Resolutions for 2015? Nope! This year Go Techy!

Updated on September 1, 2017

New Year is two weeks away and excitement is in the air. New Year is a symbol of beginning! Try recollecting a few resolutions you took up at the beginning of this year. Did you keep them up? Probably no. So here’s what we have for you – Ideas for a techy resolution. Technology is a classy and sassy partner and may be this year we ought to dedicate a few resolutions for them.

Of course your first resolution will be to keep them up , because technology is going to accompany us throughout our lives. You better butter them enough 🙂

Digitize your photographs

Childhood is a bundle of memory and photographs flash them back in our mind. In this new year why not digitize them. Store them in a hard drive or online so you will never miss them hereafter. That’s going to clean a major portion of your closet I guess!

New  year resolution
This year Your resolution will begin with following them


GO Green

Millions of trees are cut down every year in paper manufacturing units. Paper is essential but not in every situation now. Everything around you has already become digital. So go electronic and save earth. Also digitized data is much easier to preserve compared to papers. So it’s time you flaunt your laptops and tablets.

Good bye old accounts

Teenage inspired us to create accounts in every website that offered a chance. Most of us have absolutely no clue how many e-mail IDs we have. This year spend an hour to find all the accounts you have deserted for years now and go through in case you will need any inputs from them. Copy if any and wave a good bye to them. Moreover, you are doing some good to your privacy as well!

Declutter your desktop

Having the most Crammed desktop ever is nothing to feel proud of.  Take time to push in folders and files to your drives and try to segregate them. Desktop files cannot be recovered, so throw away your habit of saving important files in the desktop. It also makes your desktop look more pleasing.

Clean your gadgets

You will probably have to clean your keyboard now, because research shows that your keyboards have five times more bacteria than you toilet seats. We use gadgets everyday and it is very important we take time out to clean them. You will not want to use gadgets that can spread infections, will you ?

Start an online course

This year make it a point not to waste your time. I know it seems like a usual resolution, but now you have a reason to. Enroll for a course online or start learning something new. Every year competition goes up. It is always better to know more. Almost everything you ever want is available online. So use your internet to the best of its capability.

Stop using same passwords

I know it is very easy when you have the same password for all your accounts. But also remember it is highly unsafe. Once hacked, you give access to every bit of information you ever have online. Try using passwords that are a little different and related but not exactly the same. Don’t let them glide down into your accounts.

Road trip

This might seem off the track for a techy resolution, but as much as you love your gadgets, you have to take some time out. Stop staying glued to your gadgets and plan a gadget free road trip. You are going to love this trip.

Try a few and I am sure a year from now, you will definitely love the way your life goes. Happy New Year folks.

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