How to Edit Left Sidebar Menu in MediaWiki? I recently deployed MediaWiki for one of my project to help my team members share and collaborate on specific research areas. By...
Error ‘The file you uploaded seems to be empty. This might be due to a typo in the filename. Please check whether you really want to upload this file’ [MediaWiki – Solved] In one of my previous article, I wrote about – how to upload PDF, DOC, PPT files in MediaWiki. But...
How to Increase Maximum File Upload Size and allow PDF Uploads in MediaWiki By default, MediaWiki allows user to upload jpg, png, ogg and tiff files that are up to 2MB in size. However, if...
How to detect Virtualization using Sys::Detect::Virtualization Perl script? Off late, I started working on a Cloud security project where I need to detect the type of hypervisor that runs...
Did you Enable Bot Filtering in Google Analytics? For the past couple of months, my website received huge number of traffic from bots, spams referrals and unusual direct...
PHP-intl error: Unable to detect ICU prefix or no failed. Please verify ICU install prefix [Solved] Question: Hi, I was trying to install Mediawiki on CentOS 6.6 machine. I have also installed all the dependant packages...
pcre.h: No such file or directory Error while Installing Alternative PHP Cache [Solved] Question : Hi techglimpse, thanks for answering my previous query on phpize. Now I’m stuck with another error while installing...
APC Installation Error – sh: phpize: command not found [Solved] Question: Hi techglimpse, I was trying to install APC for Mediawiki using yum on CentOS virtual machine. To install APC package, I...
Take a break from the humdrum Wi-Fi routers and upgrade to OnHub by Google Over the years the idea of moving and settling in has evolved. For our parents, moving entitled-trucks, cranky babies, loads...
Youtube versus Twitch- Keeping the gamers happy and gay! If you live in a metro, the sight of a giant hoarding with a man whose eyes are set on...
PHP Warning: Module ‘modulename’ already loaded in Unknown on line 0 fileinfo [Solved] If your PHP program throws this warning “Module <some_module_name> already loaded”, then here’s how you can fix that. Normally this...
A quick tip to save lot of your development and testing time. How long have you felt that developing a front-end as per the mock-up, drinks all your time? The 1px or...
Understanding Config file in Compass project, Creating source maps and Editing Sass in browser If you have just started with Scss/Sass, you should be definitely enjoying the authority it provides. For example, you could...
Sass installation, Compass setup, creating your first application and more Css is sexy, and Sass is sexier. If you are a front-end developer, you should have heard about this acronym...
WordPress 4.1 Update Error : PHP Fatal error: Call to undefined function wp_json_encode() – Here’s a Fix! Have you updated WordPress to the latest version 4.1 and unable to login to wp-admin? Well, you are not alone, as...
Chrome crawling like Internet Explorer? 5 simple tips to Speed it up The reason we all resorted to Google Chrome is because of its speed and efficiency. But when that’s retarding, surely,...
Is ‘Seen’ a boon or bane? Adjust your Hangouts settings accordingly! People get frustrated when a message is sent and they have no idea if it is read or not. It...
How to Fix “500 SSL negotiation failed” Error in Perl? I was recently working on a perl script that supposed to access a web service hosted on a remote site,...
How to get your MailChimp Subscribers count with PHP and MailChimp API? Do you use MailChimp to get visitors subscribed to your newsletter? Then you may also want to display subscribers count on your...
Contriving a coding career – Beginners guide Phython , c++, Java and much more. Sounds like familiar terms, don’t they? Wake up !! They are the backbone...