Login to Facebook using One time password (OTP) while using shared or public computer!

Updated on September 1, 2017

Security is the major threat in this fast growing internet world. Accessing your Facebook account from publicly shared computers or internet cafe is no less than compromising your personal details. But most of the time we are in need of accessing Facebook from such openly shared environments.  Facebook provides an opt-in feature called “One Time Password (OTP)”.

What is Facebook OTP?

OTP stands for One Time Password. It is an opt-in security feature that can help protect your account security when you log into Facebook from a public computer or internet cafe. To obtain an one-time password, send a text message to 32665 with the message “otp” from your registered mobile. OTP is a unique, 8 character temporary password. OTP password will be valid for only 20 minutes and can’t be reused.

Facebook OTP
Facebook OTP

When to use OTP Password?

Remember to use OTP password whenever you access your Facebook account from a shared computer or internet cafe.

  1. Send text message to ‘32665′ with message “otp”
  2. Obtain the OTP password from Facebook.
  3. Enter the OTP password for accessing your Facebook account.
Note: OTP Password is a temporary password and valid only for 20 minutes.

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