Opaque Taskbar for Windows 8 disables the Taskbar’s Transparency

Updated on September 1, 2017

Sometimes some innovations annoys! One such feature in Windows 8, is the transparent Taskbar. But there is a simple utility that can help you to disable the Taskbar’s transparency. The tool named “Opaque Taksbar for Windows 8” , which can make Taskbar opaque, and allows you to switch it back to its original state anytime.

Opaque Taskbar for Windows 8 can be downloaded freely and it can run automatically during the windows start-up. Remember, windows 8 delays the desktop apps start-up, so the taskbar will become opaque only after few minutes. The utility supports both the Windows 8 X86 and Windows 8 x64.

Opaque Taskbar for Windows 8

Checkout the video below for more information,

Checkout the tool here.

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