Three tools that you must know to get more out of Pinterest

Updated on September 3, 2019

Would you like to know who is clicking your pins? who re-pinned your photos? If yes, then you should know few powerful tools that can help you to analyze and track performance of your pins.

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Pinterest tools

1. Pinfluencer

Pinfluencer is one of the analytic and marketing tool to track metrics around your pins – you can find which ones are more trending, who the brand’s more influential pinners are, which is the most popular board. It also allows brands to compare their challenges with their competitors – this will help the brands to know who is pinning the most, the top pins, the most re-pinned images.

Top pins from your Website
Top pins from your Website

If you are using Pinfluencer, then it means you can stop guessing which pins are working and which is going viral. Check out more about Pinfluencer,

Compare with your competitors
Compare with your competitors

Checkout Pinfluencer.

2. Viralheat

This tool will let you to track mentions of your brand, search by specific pin name, keywords, descriptions, image name, link text, board name and domain. You can also know the number of total pins, its viral reach, unique pins, hot pinner, average number of likes. This tool is ideal for the businessmen to analyze their top influencer and help them to develop relationship with them.

Viralheat for social media

Checkout Viralheat here.

3. Pingraphy

Pingraphy is another tool that can let you understand well about you connections. It lets you to find most influential user among followers, know more about what your users mostly like. Track your pins, re-pins, clicks and reach for every pin and analyze top performing boards and campaigns. More than analytics, the tool will also help you in scheduling the pins, uploading the bulk pins, see metrics via colorful graphs.


 Check out Pingraphy here.

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