Want the fastest PC browser in the world? Time to try MxNitro by Maxthon

Updated on September 1, 2017

Maxthon has released a new browser called Maxthon Nitro(MxNitro). And yeah, this is for windows and Maxthon claims Nitro as the “the fastest PC browser in the world.” MxNitro.

MxNitro uses pre-connection and pre-fetching technology, which makes the browser super fast and work perfectly on any computer. It also removes resource-hogging features (extensions, ad blockers, and cloud services) and has a simple user interface.

Installing MxNitro

To install MxNitro, just download the software from here. And click on the dowloaded file.

You get just one page, accept the terms and GO! No 2-3 boring steps for installation.

fastest browser install

And yes, blink for once and you get the new fast browser installed on your PC! First impression is the best.

Browsing with the world’s fastest browser

MxNitro is indeed fast. I could notice that it fetches and loads pages faster than my old browser. The UI is minimalist, neat and appealing. The memory usage is low too.

maxathon new browser speed

The Hitches

If you are a person like me, spending most of the time online, and that too with your browser, then its really difficult to make a change now. Also, the sophistication(add-ons, extensions) that Chrome or FireFox offers is not present in Nitro. But yeah, its just the beginning and MxNitro is in beta and Maxthon could stuff more features into MXNitro.

The RoundUp

If you are working on windows and badly in need of a speedy browser, MxNitro could be a good option. Else, wait for few more days, until MxNitro could match up what you look for.

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