Your LockScreen will no more be boring! It can now show exquisite messages

Updated on September 1, 2017

One of the first screens we witness in a day is also probably one of the most frequented – the LockScreen; For a multitude of reasons ranging from constantly checking with our friends, to view new notifications, the time or simply to view the Daydream personalization on our Androids!

However, this seemingly simple and drab screen is all set to be revolutionized by some guys over in Singapore with a little help from their cool new app called LokLok. In a rarest of rare cases, the guys behind the app have launched it for the Android Operating System BEFORE the launch of the iOS app! Quite a different and daring approach – and not just for the app concept!

So, getting down to it, this app does what all these magnanimous tech behemoths over at Silicon Valley, Redmond and Cupertino have been attempting since ages now – helping you connect with your near and dear in the easiest way possible. Have a look at the app’s introductory video, for I really doubt I’ll be able to describe such a wonderfully beautiful concept in words alone –

This app enables users to connect with a desired contact / person / group from their Lock screen itself – a uniquely different and fresh approach compared to the horde of messaging /chatting apps that have flooded our lives in the past 4-5 years. As viewed in the video above, users can communicate with each other without having to constantly unlock the phone and go to the messaging app – a much needed (and appreciated) feature in the mobile world, where the motto seems to be “less is more”. A user simply has to whip their phone out and start drawing / scribbling on their lock screen. This gets mirrored on the screens of all other linked users / groups (up to a maximum of 3) almost immediately. Having said that one can even take a pic and share it – or just doodle on someone else’s!

Using LokLok

In a bid to do one up and above Snapchat, Facebook (and WhatsApp) and their ilk, LokLok claims not to save any history once you erase your Lock Screen – thereby making it all the more attractive and user-friendly.

Remember that Microsoft’s ad some time back? wherein the kid keeps changing the Groceries list on Microsoft OneNote at home resulting in the father, who is already at the supermarket, having to constantly go and get new items every time he reaches the billing counter? Well, it seems all the more easier and probable now!

LokLok CEO and UX Director at Kwamecorp, Guillermo Landin, states that he was “curious to see if I could use the screen as the communication channel itself“. Well, curiosity definitely seems to have gotten the better of the 10000+ people who have download this nifty new app, currently available in beta on Google PlayStore, which started out as an experiment at Kwamecorp – a startup incubator and technology & crative consultancy


However, while it is on the anvil, there is no iOS app regarding the same. Because of the strict policies Apple has in place, that do not allow users to draw on each others Lock Screens – a true pity as this has ruled out cross-platform at the moment. Having said this, Landin states that they are definitely working on the iOS app and that they aim to address this niche market as well, just that they do not have a release date at the moment.

On a parting note, in my opinion, these guys haven’t just knocked the ball outta the  park with this app, I’d they say they knocked it outta the bloody galaxy (given the ingenuity of their concept / app and the seemingly superb execution)!

To download the free Android version of the app, click HERE.

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