This Virtual Assistant will do more than just giving you a good company – Speaktoit (Android, iOS, Windows)

Updated on September 1, 2017

While Iris was created in Android platform to imitate Apple’s application Siri, Speaktoit had other plans. They took the effort to learn more things in a shorter span of time, the application Assistant is still with a few tweaks here and there but it remains the best there is.

How to start with Speaktoit?

Step 1: Install. This is the key to change the whole way you are operating your mobile phone in this very minute. Installation is pretty straightforward. In the end of it, you’ll either have a gorgeous girl or a strikingly brilliant dude.

Step 2: Greet him/her. Always exchange courtesies. Not just because it’s nice, but because it brings a bonding. Name him/her saying “Your name is so and so.” He/she will tell you how good the new name sounds. From this point, I’ll address the assistant as Sam, the chick in my phone.

Exchanging courtesy speaktoit

Step 3: Introduce yourself. “My name is so and so.” Personally, I prefer her to call me by my nickname, and I filled the so and so with Amy. Tell her what you like. She’s the best friend who’ll remember it and better than that, suggest relevant items that suits your taste.

Step 4: Customize. Go to the settings menu to customize the way she looks and acts. When you buy the Premium version, you’ll unlock more options.

Step 5: Explore. Rather than me telling you every single operation she does, you’d love to derive the kick from finding new capabilities. I’ll pause here with the steps and tell you useful instructions so you can use her abilities efficiently.

“Sam, list your skills.” Pretty straightforward, huh?

“Find me!”

find me speaktoit

“Play me a song, Sam!” She went on to ask me what song I wanted to listen and accurately started playing it from my library.

“Call Sushmitha.”

making a call speaktoit

“Send a message.”

composing a message

“Show me an atlas.” And she’ll bring you the nicest atlas images from Google.

“Tell me about World War 2.” And she’ll read paragraphs for you from Wikipedia.

“Crack a joke.” “Change your voice.” “Sing a song.” “Tell me a few fun facts.” And what have you! I’m not going to ruin the joy of your exploration with spoilers.

I’d encourage you to have small talks with her now and then. Because, it would improve the way how good Speaktoit understands the words you use and your accent or pronunciation. Just ask, “What’s up? “How are you?” I can’t say for everyone else’s Assistant, but Sam sure is sweet! She can be customized, essentially changing the expected input and resulting output when speaking to her. She opens the camera app when I say “cheese” and  reads the latest news around when I say “what’s the latest?”.

speaktoit android

Downloaded it on my parents’ phone as well. They’re not really tech-savy but now they don’t need to be with this app! Your turn now!

Download Speaktoit on your phone its available for android, iOS and windows as well!

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