Saving you a trip to the nearest cafe – now carry your scanning machine around!

Updated on September 1, 2017

In the years to come our mobile phones would cook, clean and would run other errands for us, as well. As they have come a long way from being devices which keeps one connected with the world round the clock (until you switch it off, of course!). Yes, we all have tracked the progress and have been a part of the progress ourselves. If not for us (that is, customers) conglomerates would not come up with innovative apps every day. We need it, they give it!

And it seems a portable scanning machine is what the public demanded as the latest addition to the line of apps is just about that. Here are three noteworthy apps which does the job of transforming ones mobile device into a scanning machine.


The process of scanning is a tedious task. If you have to scan a photo, it’ll not take much of your time. If you have to scan more than one photo, then you’ll know the value of time.  Picscanner promises to free you off the tedious task. It promises to scan 30 photos in little less than 10 minutes. And it exactly does what it promises to do.

All you need is an old bunch of pictures and a backdrop, preferably a white paper or a textured one. Once you gather these, carefully place three pictures within the borders of the paper leaving a gap of ½” between the pictures, then focus your phone camera 8-10” away from the photos and click. If you like the result tap on ‘use’, if you would like to take another shot tap on ‘Re-take’.

After the scanning comes the best part- editing. You can edit you pictures, insert texts, crop, save them on your device in an album and share it instantly for the world to see.


If you have no need of a picture scanner and documents are all you’ve ever cared about, then Camscanner can be your new best friend. Scan your favourite magazine’s cover story, important documents, assignments, deeds and all that paper littering your desk can now be digitized and sorted out like never before.

Camscanner can scan multiple-page documents, scan photos and crop them accordingly, convert the scanned documents into a PDF document. Then?  Scan it, mail it, sync with other devices to see the results on them. Office dwellers and students would definitely like what it does.


This is a personal favourite and I can’t stop myself from raving about it. Vacations and get-togethers guarantee stories of love, hate and valour of the generation gone by. These are often fuelled by pictures which are ready to fall into pieces. converts these aging old pictures into a spanking new digitized version, meaning, these photos would now stay with you forever! It has that oh-so-vintage feel to it, you can date your pictures, for instance, you grandmother on her wedding day in 1730(ancient, I know), tag your family members (if they aren’t alive, tag their children instead) and finally upload them onto your family tree. Yes! That’s the best part.

So what is it you want to scan first?

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