Dishwasher tips – loading your dishes properly

Updated on July 12, 2021

What if I say that loading your dishes the right way contributes 50% or above for a clean output from your dishwasher? Yes, it is as important as adding the detergent but loading the vessels can be very overwhelming at the beginning. You might also think that instead of loading the dirty dishes I can very well wash them right away?! Even worse, when you have loaded hastily, they come out dirty.

Eventually in a weeks time anyone can get to know the strategic way to load. While there are lot of tricks and tips out there, it can come down eventually to the type of vessels you use at home and the place setting on the dishwasher. Here are some guides as well as hacks that have worked for us, you may want to try them as well.

Know your thumb rule on loading dishwasher –

 If the water can’t reach something, it won’t be cleaned

Loading and unloading pattern

While loading, load from bottom. In that way you fill the larger items on the washer first. Loading from the back can be a good strategy to find way for more items.

When unloading, unload the bottom rack first. In that way your not so dry plastics and bowls those retained some water on the top rack don’t drip water over your clean and dry plates.

loaded dishwasher

Plates, large trays and big vessels

Plates always go on the bottom of the washer and they should be placed at an angle. The large trays also can go along with the plates. But keep them separated enough. Big vessels like cookers and large bowls should go on the bottom rack.


The cutlery should always go on the basket or the top rack if your washer has one. If you are going to arrange your cutlery on the top or bottom rack and run your washer, they are going to fall down and block the jet arms.

Glass, mugs, bowls, plastic ware

We know by now that these go on the top rack. However, they should not be stacked or overcrowded. Only dishwasher safe plastics go on the top rack. If the bottoms of dishes are slightly concave, lean them at an angle to avoid collecting dirty water.

Sharp knives, wooden spoons, nonstick ware, cast iron pans, brass and aluminum

If you want your knifes sharp, do not put them on the dishwasher, they make them dull. If you want to clean them on your washer anyway, put them handle-up (upside down), so you need not touch the sharp edge while loading or unloading. Other items are very known non-safe items.

Any more tips that is missed on the post here? Drop me and comment!

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