How to schedule your Tweets and Facebook Posts using Buffer app?

Updated on September 1, 2017

Found a great content to share with your friends? Now you can schedule them too! Buffer app is an application that lets you to schedule your Tweets and Facebook posts.  Just add your Tweets and Facebook posts to your Buffer from anywhere (I mean from your computer, Tablet or Mobile)  and the Buffer app automatically (‘Automagically‘)  share them for you through the day.

Buffer app integrates with Facebook, Twitter and recently LinkedIn too. Buffer app has all the features that you expect while sharing a post or tweet. For example, the application shortens your URL using browser extensions like and you can create a “New Buffering pattern”, where you can choose your timezone and schedule settings. The app also provides you with Analytics of your posts or tweets.

Here’s how it is done,

1. Go to

2. Sign-in using Facebook/Twiiter/LinkedIn

3. Provide authorization for the application to post on your Wall.

4. That’s it. Try out creating a new buffering pattern and start scheduling your tweets !

Buffer - Create Buffering Pattern
Buffer – Create Buffering Pattern
Schedule the posts
Schedule the posts

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